The best food for nourishing hair and nails, 2 in 1. Eat regularly and you will definitely see results.

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Any girls whose nails break easily? and don’t know how to solve this problem Today we will invite you to nourish and take care of your nails to be strong by choosing to eat foods that are rich in nutrients that directly nourish your nails. And in addition to these foods, it will help nourish the nails. along with solving the problem of damaged nails or easily broken nails It also helps nourish the hair to be strong. Let’s take a look at what food we’ve brought you today.

The best food for nourishing hair and nails, 2 in 1. Eat regularly and you will definitely see results.

1. Sea fish,
sea fish, whether it be sardines, tuna or salmon. These are all foods that help nourish nails and hair very well. Because the meat of these fish is very rich in protein, biotin, and omega-3 fatty acids. You will have strong nails and hair from eating these fish. It also helps to lose weight more effectively. It also helps reduce the risk of heart disease as well.

2. Chicken eggs
: Chicken eggs are rich in biotin. Therefore, it is not strange that it is classified as a food that helps nourish nails and hair to be strong. So who has nail problems? Whether the nail cracks or breaks easily It is recommended to eat eggs every day. It will help reduce this problem very well.

3. Berry family fruits
Berries Whether it’s strawberries, blueberries, or blackberries. All are fruits rich in biotin and antioxidants. which nutrients like biotin Will help in nourishing nails and hair to be strong. while antioxidants It will help nourish the skin to be strong. Helps prevent wrinkles. and also helps girls Doesn’t look old before its time.

4. Mushrooms:
Mushrooms are classified as foods rich in biotin. Which is a nutrient that helps nourish nails and hair to be strong as well. So if girls Starting to notice that your nails are becoming weak and break easily. It is recommended that you eat foods that have mushrooms on the menu as well. There is no limit to which type of mushroom it has to be. Girls can choose to eat the type of mushroom they like

5. Nuts and grains
Nuts and grains are rich in biotin. which is a substance that helps nourish nails and hair to be strong It also helps nourish the skin of girls. To have good skin health as well. As for the nuts and grains that are recommended to be eaten frequently, they are mung beans, soybeans, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds.

How are you? After knowing the types of food that help nourish nails and hair to be strong. It can be seen that each type of food is rich in nutrients that not only help nourish nails or hair to be strong. But it also helps nourish the skin to be healthy. In any case, don’t forget to eat these foods to keep your nails strong.