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Category Archives: Health

Foods that control blood sugar that Japanese people recommend

Foods that control blood sugar that Japanese people recommend

High blood sugar levels cause the body to produce more insulin to convert sugar into fat and store it in the body. If you like to eat sweet foods and eat them frequently, the body will produce insulin abnormally and lead to diabetes. In addition, if blood

6 groups at risk for "heat stroke," a danger that comes every summer

6 groups at risk for “heat stroke,” a danger that comes every summer

Warning: Be careful of people at risk of heatstroke. Danger from hot weather Be careful of heatstroke patients, especially those in the 6 risk groups. Please take care of your own health and avoid being in the hot sun. What is heatstroke? Dr. Opas Karikawinpong Director-General of the Department

5 winter epidemics All ages should be careful.

5 winter epidemics All ages should be careful.

Even though in the winter our house is not that cold. But there is a winter epidemic. that all genders and ages should be careful of Especially young children, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases. Must be careful of illness You can get vaccinated and keep your health strong. Groups at risk of